TENS for Pregnancy, Labour and Post-delivery-TensCare Ltd

TENS are amazing machines. For several years now maternity TENS machines have been providing relief from labour pain. Recent clinical evidences suggest that TENS not only provides relief from labour pain, it is also equally effective at providing pain relief during pregnancy and post-delivery.

TENS for lower back pain during late pregnancy

According to a Research Paper by Kensin (2012), on TENS for back pain in late pregnancy, TENS is effective and safe treatment for lower back pain during pregnancy. It improves lower back pain more effectively than exercise and acetaminophen.

The most recent review of clinical evidence from the ACPWH indicates that TENS is safe to use in later pregnancy.

TENS for labour pain

Recent studies by Santana(2016) and Sever (2015), show that TENS administered at the beginning of the active phase of labour reduces pain and postpones the need for pharmacological analgesia, shortens the period of delivery and it’s efficiency is independent from other variables.

TENS for Back pain

Pivec (2013), in a nationwide study of TENS for back pain in the USA concluded that TENS is associated with reduced back pain, significantly reduced inpatients visits, and fewer requests for physical therapy.

This clinical evidence suggests that TENS is highly effective and safe treatment for pain in pregnancy, labour and post-delivery.

Maternity & babyMaternity tensPain reliefTens

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