6 Tips to Help Manage Your Arthritis Pain-TensCare Ltd

Arthritis is actually a general term that covers over 200 different conditions with the two most common types being Rheumatoid/Autoimmune Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. According to the NHS, in the UK, more than 10 million people have arthritis or other, similar conditions that affect the joints. It affects people of all ages, including children, causing pain and inflammation in the joints as well as other symptoms. 

Doctors traditionally treat arthritis with anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers. However, some medications cause side effects, and a natural approach to pain relief is becoming more popular. Remember to consult your doctor before trying these natural remedies.

1. Get A TENS machine

If you haven’t got a TENS machine for your arthritis, Get one. TENS machines have been around for several decades and have become a popular pain relief must-have for arthritis pain relief. TENS machines are perfect because you get a non-invasive, fast-acting, drug-free pain relief that could be used for long periods without any side effects which is exactly what arthritis sufferers need. The Perfect TENS or the TENS One are both great for relieving arthritis pain and other, similar conditions that affect the joints.

2. Get more exercise

There are many benefits to exercising besides weight loss. Regular exercise helps to maintain flexibility in your joints. Low impact exercises like swimming or cycling are typically preferred over high impact exercises like running. 

3. Use wearable TENS tech

As mentioned earlier, TENS machines are fabulous for reducing your arthritic pain. However, using the iSock, iGlove and KneeStim, you are able to get more contact on your hands, feet and knee which means more localised pain relief. The wearable tech range is compatible with our range of new TENS units as they share a similar connector.

4. Include the right fatty acids in your diet

Everyone needs omega-3 fatty acids in their diet for great health. These fats also help your arthritis. Fish oil supplements, which are high in omega-3s, can help with decreasing pain associated with RA. 

5. Get a massage

According to a study that looked at The Effects of Aromatherapy Massage and Reflexology on Pain and Fatigue in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Aromatherapy massage is a simple and effective non-pharmacological nursing intervention that can be used to help manage pain and fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Work with a physical therapist to learn self-massage, or schedule appointments with a massage therapist regularly.

Try to find a massage therapist who is experienced with working on people who have arthritis. Check with your doctor for a recommendation.

6. Try Reflexology

In the same study that looked at The Effects of Aromatherapy Massage and Reflexology on Pain and Fatigue in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, reflexology was also found to be a simple and effective non-pharmacological nursing intervention that can be used to help manage pain and fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

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