TensCare: Nouri Launch Webinar for Distributors and Stockists-TensCare Ltd

16th March 2022: Nouri Launch Webinar

When: Mar 16, 2022 03:00 PM London 
Topic: TensCare: Nouri Breast Pump Launch

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The many decisions that come with having a baby can leave you feeling a little overwhelmed at times. What buggy should I buy? Which car seat is safest? What breast pump is best?

TensCare have made that decision easier for you, introducing the Nouri Range. Launching 3 new breast pumps: Nouri Manual, Auto and Duo – these pumps provide safe, comfortable, and fast pumping. Offering a ‘closed pump’ system, which maintains more hygienic pumping, the Nouri range includes both single and double pumping, with powerful adjustable modes.

The Nouri Auto and Duo have built-in rechargeable battery, with a night-light for middle-of-the-night pumping. We’ve designed the Nouri to be simple to use, so it can be easily assembled in moments where speed is essential! Both Nouri Manual and Auto are perfect for on-the-go pumping, offering a lightweight and portable option. The Nouri Duo is great for at-home use, with up to 12 different suction levels.

TensCare Nouri Range dual and single, automatic and manual breast pumps



Breastfeeding & pumpingMaternity & babyNouriTenscare newsWebinar

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