Vaginal Mesh Implants to Treat Pelvic Floor Prolapse-TensCare Ltd

Pelvic organ prolapse involves a weakening or stretching of internal structures that support organs such as the bladder, bowel and uterus. It can happen in women after childbirth, a hysterectomy or menopause. It can cause pelvic painconstipation and urinary leakage, and often affects sexual activity.

The mesh implants have long been used to reinforce weakened pelvic floor muscles and repair pelvic organ prolapse. But, problems afterwards such as pain, infection, bleeding, urinary problems and pain during intercourse are common, the agency said.

Patients have filed tens of thousands of lawsuits against mesh manufacturers, including Johnson & Johnson, Boston Scientific and Endo International. In 2014, Ireland-based Endo said it would pay $830 million to settle more than 20,000 personal injury lawsuits.

FDA recommends to ask your surgeon about all POP treatment options, including surgical repair with or without mesh and non-surgical options.  Pelvic floor exercises are seen as the most effective way to prevent issues with incontinence. PFE can play a vital role in educating women about their pelvic floor and the sensation they should feel when doing pelvic floor exercises.

Electrical stimulation consists of temporarily placing electrodes in the vagina. Small pulses of electricity generate muscle contractions and can help women identify how to do the contractions themselves.

At TensCare we have a range of electrotherapy Pelvic Floor Exercisers used to help treat all forms of incontinence.

Products such as the Elise, itouch Sure,Perfect PFE, Iease, Sure Pro and Viva can see such an evidently common problem treated in one discreet, affordable and easy-to-use solution. These units are safe and offer a drug-free solution to incontinence, freeing women of containment pads and possible surgery.

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