Find Your Perfect TensCare Pelvic Floor Device
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Blog post written by: Current Body

Whether you’ve just come out of surgery, going through menopause or postpartum – incontinence can effect anyone. It can be tricky to know how to solve it, especially as it’s a topic still not widely discussed. That’s where TensCare comes in.

TensCare offers natural, drug-free solutions to chronic pelvic pain, bladder incontinence and pelvic floor vascular weakness. Through the restorative power of low-level electrical stimulation, their extensive range of devices help to tone, train and maintain – depending on your concern. Find your perfect TensCare device today!

General incontinence – TensCare iTouch Sure Pelvic Floor Toner

iTouch Sure Pelvic Floor Exerciser for Bladder Leaks || TensCare

Benefits: With 4 preset programmes to choose from, address continence management, bladder weakness and improve sexual sensations with ease. The one-touch memory function automatically restarts on your previous programme and settings. So there’s no need to fuss about with bells and whistles. Enjoy gentle stimulation for 20 minutes until the device turns off. It’s that easy.

New mums, postpartum, post-surgery – TensCare Kegel Toner Pelvic Floor Trainer 

Kegel Toner Pelvic Floor Trainer and Bladder Leak Cure || TensCare

Benefits: Once you’ve reached the 6-week mark postpartum or post-surgery, then this is the device for you. Speed up your recovery, regain bladder control and increase sexual sensations with only 20 minutes of use. Select the ‘Train’ programme to rehabilitate 6 times a week over 12 weeks, then use ‘Tone’ once a week to maintain your wonderful results.

For Men – TensCare Perfect PFE MEN Pelvic Floor Exerciser

Perfect PFE Men Pelvic Floor Exerciser for Incontinence || TensCare

Benefits: If you’re a man looking for instant pelvic pain relief and enhanced pleasure sensitivity, then this is the stress-free solution for you. Choose from 4 preset programmes to maximise pelvic floor exercises and boost natural core strength. Ideal post prostate surgery for a speedy recovery. As always, check with your GP.

Pelvic Floor Toning and Period Pain Relief – TensCare Perfect Alivia Pelvic Floor Exerciser

Alivia Pelvic Floor Toner - Incontinence & Bladder Leaks || TensCare

Benefits: Maintain pelvic vascular strength, build core endurance and treat period pain in just 20 minutes. Choose from 5 preset programmes to customise your treatment plan, and see results within 12 weeks. Say goodbye to pain and hello to comfort.

Better sex life – TensCare Fleur Pelvic Floor Toning Balls 

Fleur Pelvic Floor Kegel Toning Balls || TensCare

Benefits: Address bladder weakness and improve sexual sensitivity with this portable pocketsized device. The sleek, comfortable design increases sexual arousal, as well as the ability to reach orgasm. Treat yourself to either a 20-minute pelvic floor workout, or use the toning balls as you go about your day. The choice is yours.

AliviaFleurIncontinenceItouch sureKegel tonerMaternity & babyMenopausePelvic & period painPelvic floorPerfect pfe for menSexual health

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