Hydrogels must be applied to the electrodes in the correct orientation for the
device to work effectively. Improper application can result in uneven or
ineffective stimulation.
Before your session
1. It is essential to clean your skin before use.
2. Remove the hydrogels from the plastic bag.
3. Remove the coloured plastic liners first and apply to the bottom face of the
electrodes. Take extra care to ensure that both sections of the hydrogel remain
attached to the clear liner.
4. Remove the clear liners labelled 2 from the electrodes. Be careful to ensure both
sections of the hydrogels remain stuck to the electrode.
5. Place the clear liner in the travel case.
The coloured liner can be disposed of.
6. Place the OVA electrodes in desired position. (See electrode positioning options
in the device manual.)
After your session
1. The stimulators will turn off automatically when your session is complete.
2. Remove the stimulators from the electrodes.
3. Remove the electrodes from the body by peeling by the outer edges. Be careful
to ensure both parts of the hydrogel remain stuck to the electrode.
4. Re-apply the clear plastic liner onto the hydrogels and store the electrodes and
the stimulators in the travel case. Proper storage between uses will help maximise
the life of the gel.
• The hydrogels are reusable and should provide 10-20 applications per gel.
However, this will vary depending on the user’s skin condition and how the
hydrogels are stored between use. Try to limit the amount of time the gels are
exposed to the air.
• Replace the hydrogels when they lose their stickiness. Poor connection to the body
may cause ineffective treatment, discomfort and skin irritation.
• The hydrogels supplied are for single patient use. The adhesive is a peelable
hydrogel (water based).
• The shelf life of an unopened packet of hydrogels is 3 years. This can be affected
by very high temperatures or very low humidity.
Important: Observe all the Contraindications, Cautions and Warnings included with
the Ova device manual.