"It Literally Saved Me in My Hour of Need!"-TensCare Ltd

“I highly recommend the Perfect MamaTENS machine as it literally saved me in my hours of need!

My contractions began and after 3 hours I started using the machine. It was obvious the baby was on its way soon as the contractions were coming quick and fast. I was admitted into hospital still using my MamaTENS. I wasn’t too concerned about the forthcoming pain as I had decided to have an epidural and expected a pain free delivery.

Unfortunately, the epidural didn’t work and so I reverted back to the MamaTENS machine. Before I used the machine, the pain was unbearable and I do not know how I would have got through my labour pains without having access to it. It was such an ordeal for me but the MamaTENS definitely helped me endure the horrendous pain I was suffering and eased the pain tremendously.

I would encourage every woman about to give birth to give the MamaTENS a try even if they have decided on other pain relief remedies. It’s very reassuring to have it on standby just in case.

It is easy to use and is very comfortable and works immediately when you press the INCREASE button as and when you need it.

If I have any other babies, I would definitely not be without the MamaTENS!”


Customer Review


Birth storiesMaternity & babyMaternity tensProduct reviews

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