पेसमेकर के अलावा, प्रत्यारोपण पर TENS के प्रभावों का चिकित्सा साहित्य में कोई संदर्भ नहीं है।

TENS से ​​संकेत केवल त्वचा की सतह के लगभग 1 सेमी नीचे प्रवेश करता है और इसमें केवल थोड़ी मात्रा में ऊर्जा होती है (सिग्नल भेजने के लिए एक तंत्रिका को मनाने के लिए पर्याप्त), इसलिए कोई दुष्प्रभाव नहीं होना चाहिए।

हालांकि, यदि आप धातु प्रत्यारोपण वाले क्षेत्र में TENS मशीन का उपयोग करने के बारे में अनिश्चित हैं, तो कृपया अपने चिकित्सक से सलाह लें।

18 टिप्पणियाँ



I have a BAHA implant. It is not a cochlear. I attach my hearing to the implant but can remove it at any time. Is it safe to use a tens machine for lower back pain? Thank you in anticipation of a reply.



Hi, Is it safe to use TENS on shoulder muscles if i have a titanium c5 c6 disc implant ?



I had brain surgery years ago and have a metal plate on my skull can I use this on my back or will it cause issues?

Thank you!



Hi Beverly,
There is no reference in medical literature to the effects of TENS on implants, other than pacemakers.
The signal from TENS only penetrates about 1cm below the skin’s surface and contains only a tiny amount of energy (just enough to persuade a nerve to send a signal), therefore there should be no side effects.
However, if you are uncertain of using a TENS machine on an area in which you have a metal implant, please seek advice from your medical practitioner.
Many thanks,



Hi Georgie,
There is no reference in medical literature to the effects of TENS on implants, other than pacemakers.

The signal from TENS only penetrates about 1cm below the skin’s surface and contains only a tiny amount of energy (just enough to persuade a nerve to send a signal), therefore there should be no side effects.
However, if you are uncertain of using a TENS machine on an area in which you have a metal implant, please seek advice from your medical practitioner.
Many thanks

Georgie  Kovalesi

Georgie Kovalesi

Is it ok to use tens unit if have gold weight implanted in eye lid

Beverly Ingle

Beverly Ingle

My son had two metal stents put in his femoral artery last week. He has a lot of leg pain and wants to know if he can safely use a tens unit.

Thank you,



Hi Pavithra,
I can confirm that TENS can be used on intact skin overlying implants containing metal.



Is it safe to use legs when TKR done 6 years back?



Hi Annie,

There is no reference in medical literature to the effects of TENS on implants, other than pacemakers.

The signal from TENS only penetrates about 1cm below the skin’s surface and contains only a tiny amount of energy (just enough to persuade a nerve to send a signal), therefore there should be no side effects.

However, if you are uncertain of using a TENS machine on an area in which you have a metal implant, please seek advice from your medical practitioner.


Annie Gabovitch

Annie Gabovitch

Hello! Back in February of 23’ I shattered my elbow in four places, since then I have had two surgeries and metal plates and pins throughout my elbow. I have constant joint pain and limited function of my arm. I am hoping TENS will work on my elbow without any negative repercussions.



Hi Mandy,

The general consensus according to the physiotherapy Canada, is that there are no issue with simple metal implants.

We advise that tens isn’t until 6 weeks after surgery. So as long as the tissue has relatively healed you should be fine to use.




Is it safe to use the TensCare itouch Sure – Pelvic Floor Exerciser if you have a metal Rod and screws in your hip please.



Dear Sue Martinez,

I can confirm that TENS is safe to use and will not have any affect on metal pins.

sue martinez

sue martinez

Is it safe to use if you have a metal pin in the toe



Hi! I have pain due to my right rotator cuff tear and wanted to use TENS but I have a Metal ( titanium) Biopsy Marker /clip on my right breast.! Your advice please. Thank you.

Prajjwal Singh

Prajjwal Singh

Hi Prajjwal,
I have sent a response to your question via email.
Many thanks

Prajjwal Singh

Prajjwal Singh

Is IFT is safe to use in metal implant patient.

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