Bladder weakness is not a normal part of the aging process, nor should it be simply accepted as a normal part of life after childbirth. Bladder weakness is a treatable condition and shouldn't simply be 'managed' through the use of containment pads.
A safe, drug-free, non-surgical solution, the Perfect PFE Pelvic Floor Exerciser provides freedom from the use of containment pads and can help sufferers return to a more normal lifestyle.
The Perfect PFE Pelvic Floor Exerciser is simple and easy to use, with digital controls and 4 preset programs which have been clinically tested to provide long-term relief from incontinence.
The Perfect PFE sends a gentle stimulation to your pelvic floor through a vaginal probe, working your pelvic floor muscle for you and enabling you to develop your own muscle control.
The Perfect PFE also has an extra programme for the relief of Chronic Pelvic Pain allowing you to regain control of times of your life that would usually be hindered by pain.
The Perfect PFE can also be used with an anal probe for the improvement of symptoms of bladder weakness in men, and of faecal incontinence, please contact us for more information.
If you require an anal probe, please place your order and then contact us with your order number. We will then replace the vaginal electrode with an anal probe.
Safety Manual