
10 Reasons You Should Use TensCare Maternity TENS For Your Labour Pain Relief
1 in 8 use a TENS machine for labour, and we are committed to providing the best maternity TENS that are feature packed and easy to use yet accessible and affordable.

Three Wins for TensCare at the Project Baby Awards!
Project Baby partner with real mums to test and review maternity products, and they loved our Perfect Mama+ and Nouri breast pumps!

TensCare: Nouri Launch Webinar for Distributors and Stockists
Calling all distributors! Are you thinking about stocking our new breast pump range? Want to expand from pain relief? Join our webinar so we can show you the new Nouri range and answer any questions you may have.

Baby and Me – The Importance of Expressing Milk
Breastfeeding provides your baby with all the nutrients required. In a fast moving world, there isn’t always a convenient time. What's the solution? Milk Expression and breast pumps.

Breastfeeding - How to Meet Your Goals
Previous research has proven that babies being fed on infant formula instead of breast milk have a greater tendency to have more health issues. Moreover, the babies being breastfed also have less risk of chest and ear infections, constipations and are less-likely to become obese.